What Your Toes Can Tell You About Your Personality

Third Toe

If the third toe is the longest on of them all, it indicates an energetic and resourceful energy. You are incredibly driven and dedicated to your work, always looking to improve yourself and your career. You are a perfectionist. The Chinese associate the third toe with energy, willpower, and determination.

If the third toe is smaller, you have a relaxed personality, and treasure your free time. You tend to spend most of your time doing what you want to do, instead of what you have to do. Some might accuse you of being lazy, but as you always say, life is short, so you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Fourth Toe

Your fourth toe is an indication of the relationships in your life, and how you view them. If it is straight, it means you value your relationship with your family above everything else. Disharmony in your relationship with your loved ones might be shown through the curling of this toe.

You are a great listener, and are always ready to offer a shoulder to cry when your loved ones need it. You empathize immensely with those around you, and are unable to distance yourself from the emotions and issues of others.

The Chinese would describe you as a gentle soul, somebody who’s emotions could be easily wounded. If your toe is clawed, you might want to take a step back and let go a little and stop taking on the burdens of others, or the stresses in your life might even lead to health issues!
On the other hand, if your fourth toe is shorter, it might mean that your priorities lie elsewhere. That you tend to take your relationships and loved ones for granted!

Little Toe

If your little toe is the slightest of them all, you might possess a childlike personality. Although your friendly nature makes you are a lot of fun to be around, you might be easily distracted or bored, constantly looking for new things to entertain yourself. You also dislike responsibility and might not always follow through with your promises, which might end up rubbing some people the wrong way.

If you have the ability to wiggle your little toe separately from your fourth toe, you can tend to make impulsive decisions, are an avid adventurer and might be someone who is considered a ‘flirt’ due to your charismatic and talkative nature. If you are not able to do that, you are an avid subscriber of routine. Your actions might be perceived as ‘predictable’ but you are known for your loyalty and trustworthiness.

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