10 Cheap Tips To Decorating Your Home To Make It Look Fancy

3. Wall Decals or Stencils

Wall decals are stickers that you can buy for really cheap online or at home décor stores that can help jazz up any plain old room. Alternatively, you could also use paint stencils. When picking out the right design, make sure it doesn’t look tacky or too “familiar”.

Decals with words are also good, especially for places like the kitchen, but with those its important to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

4. Keep It Clean

Think of a fancy home in your mind, now think of the opposite of it. What was the most glaring difference in what you just imagined? We bet it was the clutter and mess!

That’s right, making your home look elegant can come down to something as simple as keeping it clean and tidy. We’ve already stressed the importance of not overcrowding the home, but you should also make sure that everything is in it’s place. Organize things and tuck them away; a place for everything, and everything in its place!

5. Spend A Bit of Money

Yes, we realize it seems a bit redundant that we’re asking you to spend money, but hear us out.

Just like most things you own, spending a little bit of extra money upfront can save you a lot of money in the long run. Cheap things become old and ugly fast, which means one of two things: 1. you’re home is back to looking “un-fancy”, or 2. you have to spend more money in getting a replacement.

So, why not just solve the problem upfront?

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