7 Ways Our Brain Works Without Instruction


Have you ever laughed out loud at a time that would be deemed inappropriate? Well, you can blame your brain for that! A paper called A.K. that was published in 1998 explained that laughter is sort of an automatic response that is the result of different parts of the brain working together to determine something as funny.

Our facial muscles are then sent signals to form a smile and laugh. The paper also discussed an instance where a girl who had to undergo surgery for epilepsy ended up laughing every time a small area of the frontal lobe of the brain was stimulated. But for most people, the emotional response of evaluating whether something is funny or not and the appropriate reaction is calculated mechanically by the brain.


Sneezing is often generated as a response to allergies or a stimulus causing an irritation or itch in our nose. But it’s not something that we knowingly are aware of all the time. This is when the brain receives information about this foreign stimulus through the sensory nerves in the nose, which in turn makes us sneeze. When we sneeze, the thing that is causing the irritation is removed through the quick blast of air while the vocal chords shut for a millisecond.

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