9 Things You Didn’t Know Coca-Cola Could Do

4. Relief from Jellyfish Stings

Imagine you’re spending a day at the beach with your friends, lying in the sand sunbathing, bathing in the cool ocean waters when -uh-oh!- you get stung by a jellyfish! What do you do? No, you don’t have to get one of your friends to urinate on it (that’s just fiction anyway).

Instead, save yourself the embarrassment and get one of them to grab a bottle of Coke from the cooler and pour it over the area of the sting. This might work because of the chemicals in Coke which can help neutralize the pain of the jellyfish sting. And then get them to take you to the doctor, of course, because this is only a short term solution to neutralize the sting until a doctor can take a look at it.

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