The Most Common Types of Sports Injuries You May Experience
3. Runner’s Knee
An injury that typically occurs in runners, cyclists, tennis players, soccer, football, basketball, and volleyball players is called the runner’s knee. Considering that more than 50% of patients that orthopedic surgeons come across involve busted knees, this is one to look out for. Runner’s knee is a condition that occurs when a tear or other injury damages and deteriorates the tendon right below the kneecap over time.
4. Concussion
Resulting from severe head trauma that actually causes the brain to rattle around in the skull, a concussion is most likely to be a result of contact sports such as football or hockey. The brain moving around fires off brain cells and stimulates a seizure, resulting in various symptoms like disorientation, vision impairment, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and memory loss.
While most athletes in contact sports have experienced it at least one or two times over their lifetime, repeated concussions could be dangerous as they could lead to permanent brain damage.
5. Hamstring Injuries
The hamstring is a long cord-like muscle that runs down the back of your leg. Since it is a typically tight and rigid muscle, it is prone to strains, pulls, tears, and muscle ruptures. Hamstring injuries are most commonly seen in runners or athletes who perform high impact moves that put pressure on that particular muscle.
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