Tips and Tricks to Taking the Perfect Selfie
It’s selfie time!
Who in this day and age hasn’t taken a selfie of themselves? But taking the perfect selfie is an art form in itself, and not everyone is able to do it so well. But not to fret, taking an awesome selfie isn’t that hard and all you need are a few tips and tricks before you can be crowned the selfie king/queen!
Angle it Right
The perfect angle equals the perfect selfie. The “up-shot” is the one that provides the most flattering selfie for most people. This means angling the phone above your head and looking up through your lashes. This angle elongates your face and makes you look more attractive. This doesn’t mean placing the phone 500 feet away from your face, negative space kills a selfie. Keep it close to your face, but angle it slightly upward.
Lighting is Key
Finding the right light is key to taking a perfect selfie. If you are outside in the sun, place yourself so that the sun is blocked. Soft, natural light is the best, but even if it is night time, you need to find the best spot which illuminates your face. Unless you’re outside, don’t have your back to the source of light, this will make your face appear dark and shadowed. Instead, face the window and pose!
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