What Your Toes Can Tell You About Your Personality

Take a look at your toes, do your toes lie in a straight line, ascending in size from the little toe to the big toe, or do you see one particular toe protruding over the top? These things that we do not really care to think about could end up revealing quite a bit about your personality. Even if you are someone that doesn’t believe in these kinds of things, you could always just take a look for the fun of it!

Big Toe

Is your big toe the longest one out of them all? This could be an indication of your creative nature. You are largely a clever and imaginative thinker, often coming up with unique solutions to problems. You are also good at analysing and evaluating situations. The downside to your personality is that you can get distracted a bit too easily, and may find it difficult to muster up the same level of enthusiasm completing a project as you have at the beginning.

If your big toe is lesser in height, it could be an indication that you are great at multi-tasking, and completing the work you set out to do. You are a charismatic leader and the best person to get the job done!

Second Toe

The second toe on your right foot indicates your life and the choices you make. If you have what you want in life, it will be touching the floor. If you don’t, there will be a gap between it and the ground. This could also show that you tend to hide your emotions. The longer your second toe is, the better the leader you are. Your leadership style is resourceful and dynamic, although you can sometimes be seen as ‘bossy’ due to your nature of getting things done, and getting things done your way!

Indian folklore says that mothers used to stop their sons from marrying girls with long second toes because they feared that they might turn out to be too bossy!

A shorter second toe, though, means that you are patient and calm, and are more than happy to wait for something that you really want. You dislike conflict and value harmony, and don’t feel the need to rush into things.

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